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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Language is that?

Gianna singing in some unknown foreign language.

Ainsley blowing kisses!

Here's a glimpse of Gianna and Ainsley's summer photo session. Gianna, once again, wanted to do her own thing. She is impossible to take for pictures anymore. And Ainsley, who is usually smiling ear to ear, was not a happy camper that day either. Gianna decided that she was going to sit on the ladder however SHE wanted to sit on the ladder, thus resulting in a crazy looking pose. She is also into that rediculous smile phase. Every time we go for pictures, I swear I will never take them again....but I do.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Beach Day

Gianna is going to arts and crafts camp 3 days a week, and she begged me to sign her up for tennis camp because the tennis instructor comes to pick up some of the other kids after arts and crafts. She loves it, and the instructor says she is doing great. The class is 4-7 year olds, but her preschool teacher is one of the arts and crafts instructors, so she pulls some weight over at the recreation department.

Here are some pictures of Ainsley's first day at the beach! There are more pictures from the beach and tennis in a slideshow on the right. Just click on the slideshow to enlarge it.

Here's a few videos from the beach!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

June 2008

BIG NEWS! Gianna got her first big girl hair cut. Mommy was going to cry seeing all the beautiful curls hitting the floor! It doesn't seem like a lot, but her new hair cut is much more manageable and cool for the summer. Here's a before and after picture.

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Here is a video of Gianna swimming, and another of Gianna pulling Ainsley in the wagon with her Power Wheels.

A slideshow of new pictures.