Sunday, November 30, 2008
The weather during the first week was in the 60s. I had to keep doing laundry since we only brought shorts and t-shirts. We even bought sweatshirts while we were in Disney. There were only 2 days at the end of our 10 day trip that were warm enough to go swimming, so Gianna was disappointed. And of course, we had to walk past the pool to get to our room.
Friday, November 14, 2008
New Video of Gianna Swimming
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Ainsley's First Steps
Ainsley definately did not beat her sister's record of walking at 10 months, but exactly 1 week after her first birthday, she takes her first steps!! Yesterday she finally took her first step ever, and today she's walking across the room. Since I've been chasing her around for months, and she's been piling up toys to build a ladder to climb up on the table, the only difference between Ainsley crawling and Ainsley walking is dirty socks instead of dirty knees!!
Here is a video of Ainsley enjoying her birthday gift from her Godmother, Tara! On the flip side of comparing my kids, Gianna did not do nearly as well with the power wheels she got for her first birthday.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Ainsley's One!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Swimming Lessons
Now she is nearly swimming solo. She has a new swim teacher that has been very firm with her and Gianna has been receptive. Here's a few videos from her last swimming session.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Gianna's First Day of Dance
Friday, September 5, 2008
Here are a few highlights of our trip.
Gianna and Ainsley's first trip across the Delaware Bay on the Cape May Lewes Ferry.
Gianna and Ainsley with Daddy on the beach. The water was really rough in the days before Tropical Storm Hanna.
The Scarpa family's first Surrey ride. If you have plans to try out a surrey, DON'T! Unless it's snowing, because you'll sweat your butt off, and it's a lot of work and a little fun. Plus, Kevin was such a bad driver.
Gianna loved the pool at the hotel. She is getting very comfortable in the water, especially with her water wings. She's taking swimming lessons and getting really good at swimming underwater.
Gianna took her first solo roller coaster ride...literally. There was nobody at the park at that time, and she got to go on her first coaster without an adult. She was a little nervous and declined a second ride.
Click here to see more photos from Ocean City, MD.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Ainsley's debut
If you cannot see the video, click here..
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Here are a few more pictures from our summer activities, including the boardwalk and waterpark with Tara and the gang. Gianna loves the rides this summer, and even went on a rollercoaster with Cayla. This is the first year she was willing to ride the kiddie rides without mom or dad (mostly dad) squeezing into them.
Gianna painting the seashells that she found on the beach.
Swinging on the tire swing at Raging Waters!
Ainsley playing in the sandbox.
Ainsley at the water park.
Here are some cute videos of Ainsley doing peek-a-boo and blowing kisses. Yes, the littlest things amuse me.
Check out the "Summertime" slideshow on the top right of the page for more pictures from the waterpark and the boardwalk.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What Language is that?

Saturday, July 12, 2008
Beach Day
Thursday, July 3, 2008
June 2008

Here is a video of Gianna swimming, and another of Gianna pulling Ainsley in the wagon with her Power Wheels.
A slideshow of new pictures.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Look out Tiger Woods
In other news.....
Ainsley, now 8 1/2 months, is sitting up from a laying down position, and then pulling herself to her feet. I wonder if she will walk at 10 months like her sister did.