Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Gianna's First Dance Recital

Gianna had her first dance recital this past weekend. It was three long nights, Thurs, Fri and Sat. I didn't know what to expect because Gianna tends to panic and be defiant, but she surprised us all, and was awesome! Here are a few pictures from the recital. Her song she danced to was "I Want Candy".

Apparently, I have a lot to learn about being a "dance recital" mom because the first night I was very unprepared. I couldn't figure out how to get the lipstick to stay on, I didn't know we are supposed to douse them in glitter, or use a full can of extra stiff hair spray. (And thanks to my sister-in-law Kristie, we were prepared with a full set of heat rollers). The second night, I finally got the lipstick on, but she smeared it all over, and the curl completely fell out of her hair (not enough hair spray? Perhaps 2 cans?) By the third night, I was doing her lipstick to stay on and explained that you may only smack your lips together once, and I didn't brush her hair out after taking the curlers out, so that by the time she got on stage, the curl fell out just enough to make it the perfect curl, AND I remembered the body glitter.....however....

I was putting on Gianna's make up and got distracted talking to another mom and Gianna took the brush, stuck it into the loose blush and dumped it all down the front of her costume. Needless to say, I (probably overreacted) dragged her into the bathroom and got most of it off. But, seriously, I wanted to kill her! Not to mention that she had dark pink blush caked ten inches thick on her face! Her costume is now at the dry cleaners because I wanted to take her to get dance pictures taken since we missed the photos when Gianna had impetigo blisters on her face.
Beauty comes at a price.....
A very short video of Gianna's recital.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We have a case of "monkey see, monkey do" in our house. Here's a video of Gianna attempting to show me her dance from dance class, while being upstaged by a certain little person.

Here's a video of Gianna's impersonation of Hannah Montana - thanks to Aunt Marie for the Hannah Montana guitar!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Gianna's 4th Birthday!

Gianna just turned 4 years old - I can't believe I have survived 4 years of motherhood!! We had a few friends celebrate her birthday at the Children's Museum in the Shore Mall, and then we had a party for her at Grandma and Grandpa's Dairy Queen!

YES, I made this cake!! It took 10 weeks of cake decorating class and 12 hours of baking and decorating. If anyone needs a cake, let me know....I want to make more, but I don't have any more occassions coming up. I'm serious. (Oh, and tinkerbell is missing her eyelashes...I took the picture before I added them).

Gianna's birthday present from Mom and Dad. She wanted to take the training wheels off the first day....that's my overachiever!

Bet you didn't know Dairy Queen had roller-service....thanks to Gianna's birthday present from Grammy and Pop Pop.

More birthday pictures...Click if you need to enlarge them.

Easter Pictures

The girl's Easter pictures

Here are some additional Easter pictures...Click if you need to enlarge.