Every year we take a trip to Knoebels in Elysburg, PA (I highly recommend going there!) to meet up with some friends and their kids. This year was a breakthrough for Gianna because she rode the kiddie rides all by herself! She was so proud. Even Ainsley got to ride an ostrich! Gianna also drove an electric go-cart that she had to steer and press the pedal. She didnt' do too well, but it was fun to watch.Here are a few highlight pictures and videos.


See all the Knoebels Pictures here!
Check outwww.knoebels.com
Sooo adorable and so cute how Gianna and Lorelei hit it off and I am super jealous - wish it wasn't an 8 hour drive for us! :0( Hopefully I will get to see you girls again at a future event! We should all plan for a boston trip sometime and you girls could meet up with Cristy and me! :0)
Love the photos. That shovel truck thing looks like a lot of fun!
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